Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hawai'i DAY 1

Hey guys! I'm in Hawaii right now and I'm really tired! Today nothing really happened since I just got here in Maui, but I saw a strange bird that attacked my nuts. As in my mixed nuts, not my testicles. I barked at it and scared it away, but I feel like it's still watching me...

Saturday, July 28, 2012


I went to a party today. I didn't know almost a single person, but I made a lot of friends actually! Also for some reason someone at the party suddenly started talking to me about Steel Ball Run, the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure sequel.

Friday, July 27, 2012


Man I was playing Canvas Curse again today for the first time in years, and who thought BALLOON Kirby was a good idea? I mean, jesus. That thing is huge.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lady Lady

Today two neat things happened! First off, a met a little lady bug! She/He stayed inside my hair all day and I got really scared at first. I thought it was a spider but then it crawled on my face and I FLIPPED. Then it was one my hand. It was a lady bugs. So I put it on my coffee table and we were buds! It just wandered around. I also watched Don Dracula today! So yeah, good day.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Interactive Meth

I realized today I don't want my interactive adventure overtaking my blog, so I made a Tumblr for it here! Check it out if you wanna follow the adventure! Cool stuff is gonna happen hopefully!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Choose your Own Adventure! Part 2

"Eat the 3 creatures for a healthy and nutritious breakfast."

The moment you set your eyes on the creatures, all you can think of is a balanced breakfast. However, you realize it is night time and breakfast has been over for hours. At least you're not hungry.

"Retrieve Arms"

The thought of retrieving your arms enters your mind and confuses you. You already have arms. And how would you even retrieve arms if you have none to retrieve with?

"Gurgle Back"

After multiple attempts at trying to talk to the creatures, they seem to not care. You suddenly have the idea to gurgle back at the creatures! You let out a small bubbley gurgle and wait for the creatures' response. All the 3 creatures jump in joy and proceed to grab you. They drag you over to a large white hole. How did you never notice that before? The creatures jump into the hole with you and you land on some sort of silky surface. Your eyes slowly ajust to the light...

It seems you are now in a flower field of sorts! There's a lake to your right, and a large forest to your left. What do you do?

Choose your own adventure! Part 1

It's been a long day. You get home and get on your computer. When you sit down, you hear a low gurgling sound coming from your closet. You can't make it out, so you ignore it. After browsing the internet for 5 or 10 minutes, the gurgling suddenly becomes a very deep and loud moan. You can't decipher what it is, but now you have to check it out. You look inside your closet to see nothing. You're about to close the closet door when suddenly, you notice a large black hole in the floor. You're not sure when it got there, or why it's there, but it seems the gurgling is coming from the hole. With reluctance, you jump into the whole. All you see is darkness. It seems you also cannot get out of the hole now. In front of you are 3 creatures. They seems to be the ones making the gurgling noises. What do you do?

Friday, July 20, 2012

Gold Snake

Wow! I beat Metal Gear Solid 4 today! Really cool game. I'm not sure if I can call it a game though, with all the cutscenes. But still very fun! I drew the 3 main Metal Gears of the series!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Underpants? What Underpants?

Well I drew some Mega Man characters. But they're based off of their sprites, not the official art. Soo yeah!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


What if someone ate so much, that there neck just got stuffed with food? Like giraffes eat a lot. And there necks are long. So what if they had really fat necks that snapped a lot.

Monday, July 16, 2012


You know, is it just me, or do a lot puppets that are animals with teeth have like, red teeth on the outside of their mouth? Or just red teeth? It creeps me out. I mean, are they OK? Are their teeth dying? Can they not get a good dental plan?

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Casshan's Doggy

I checked out that new Casshan Sins show today! Pretty rad! I really dig the art style. I like the show, it's a lot different from the old Casshan. It's interesting. The show needs a lot more of Casshan's dog though, that's for sure.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bring out the leopards

Hello there and welcome to Leopardy! I'm your host big stupid idiot! Tonight we're going straight for the questions! Screw our contestants. OK! First thingy! Bodies for 600! I am big, have bulging muscles, and hard to draw. *ding* YES SAMANTHA

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Metal Queer Solid 3: Snake Beater

Well I beat MGS3 today on hard mode! It was the first time I played through the game, and it was really fun. Probably my favorite Metal Gear Solid in the series!! What a good game yes it was. Here's EVA, a character who I think is completely silly.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

You can't fear the sorrow until the end. FURY

Boy I sure beat a lot of bosses today in Snake Eater! The Fear, The End, The Fury, The Sorrow, I really am I on a role! Volgin is hard, but I'll figure him out. Anyway, I drew all the bosses I beat today with their favorite foods! Yum!

Friday, July 6, 2012


These guys punch butts all day and night and never stop.
Don't mess with them unless you wanna be punched right in the butt
Don't be this guy


Thursday, July 5, 2012


Well started up Metal Gear 3 today! On Hard mode. It's really fun. I'm gonna try stamina killing every boss! Ocelot was kinda hard, and The Pain is just annoying. Tomorrow I will beat the pain! Also happy 4th of July I saw a firework that looked kinda like a face.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Anime Sexpo day 4 and Metal Queer Solid

Nothing happened at anime expo. ANYWAY. I beat Metal Gear just now! Yippie yay yahooooo!! Now I can finally play the HD collection that I got for Christmas. And watch naked Raiden in FULL FLEDGED HD.

Anime Sexpo Day 3

Today was kinda a lazy day. The last part of the day was really neat though! I went to Last Comic Standing to see my friend. He didn't win, but his other friend did. My friends and I cheered for his friend. Rad.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Anime Sexpo Day 2

Wow today was a really cool and great day! I've been cosplaying a certain character, and my friend was dressing up as the Chex-Quest guy. Some people recognized him, but what they didn't know was we were actually a duo. See, the Chex-Quest guy looks a lot like a friend of my cosplay. The point is, someone today finally put me and Chex-Quest together, and it was BEAUTIFUL. Also my friend was one of the top 10 comedians and was really good! Everyone else was horrible. Anyway, here's Chex-Quest!