Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A very special blog post

Hello everyone. Today, I just realized I have reached over 100 posts! WOW! What an achievement! And for this special occasion, I am going to finally listen to the fan's requests and make a special article for you all. This will be an article, all about, Kyon's Sister. Kyon is a man from the extremely popular anime series, The Melons of Haruhi Suzumiyal. Kyon is a man caught up in a crazy mess with a god, a time-traveler, an esper, and an alien. But what about Kyon's Sister, Kyonsis? She generally is never mentioned in the series nor almost ever referred to. But let me tell you all about her. Kyonsis is a 12 year old girl who is very fond of her brother, Kyon. She loves to be with him and Kyon loves to make his sis, Kyonsis, happy. She owns a cat by the name of Shamisen. Kyonsis is notable for never wearing jeans or long pants except when she's in her PJs. I think one day, Kyonsis will get her own episode and she'll be best friends with a dog. Here's a picture

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