Monday, July 23, 2012

Choose your own adventure! Part 1

It's been a long day. You get home and get on your computer. When you sit down, you hear a low gurgling sound coming from your closet. You can't make it out, so you ignore it. After browsing the internet for 5 or 10 minutes, the gurgling suddenly becomes a very deep and loud moan. You can't decipher what it is, but now you have to check it out. You look inside your closet to see nothing. You're about to close the closet door when suddenly, you notice a large black hole in the floor. You're not sure when it got there, or why it's there, but it seems the gurgling is coming from the hole. With reluctance, you jump into the whole. All you see is darkness. It seems you also cannot get out of the hole now. In front of you are 3 creatures. They seems to be the ones making the gurgling noises. What do you do?

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