Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Growlithe's Holiday Special!!

Hello everyone! Merry Christmas or after Christmas. It's almost the end of the month, and all those holidays are in the past. This month is a special month to me. I "present" month. This month I celebrate Chanukah, my Birthday, and Christmas. Meaning I get a SHIT LOAD of presents. So for the first time, I present to you...

 I will be reviewing all of the presents I have gotten for all 3 of these holidays! This year I haven't gotten too much, but I might as well!
First, we have Paper Mario: Sticker Star! The long awaited sequel to Super Paper MarioPaper Mario and the Thousand Year Door. This game separates really far from the first game. Worlds are now separated (like the unmentionable game) and it's kinda weird. The battle system is a lot different, and focuses on Stickers. So all attacks are limited, which is weird. But besides the gameplay, the game goes back to its original roots for the most part and is really neat! A cool game and you should play if you enjoyed the Original Paper Mario a lot.

OK, Nintendo Land. When I first saw this at E3, I was extremely unimpressed. It looked boring, silly, and it was kinda stupid. I wasn't really looking forward to it but thought I might as well get it. Then I actually played. And boy howdy was I wrong. Nintendo Land is a sub-par game when playing alone. But when playing with 4 or more people, the game becomes TOO MUCH FUN. There's so much variety to every game, and everything is kind of wonderful. It's great for parties, but pretty alright for yourself. Get it with the Wii U if you have friends!!

New Super Mario Bros U is insane and great get it now and make sure someone is playing on the tablet and ruins your life this game oh my god.

 I have mixed feelings about the new Scribblenauts. The whole make your own objects feature I have to say is super amazing. Now I can make all the silly stuff I want and put it online! Neat! But my biggest problem is the game is open world. I love Open World games, but this is weird. I mean like, I want a playground where I can fool around. Come on game.

Rabbids Land sucks don't get it guys. It is a bad game. Like seriously.

 Sega All Stars Racing Transformed is actually a really cool racing game. I never played the original one, but it's really funny. I mean, it has its flaws, but it's a great game. Fun if ya like Sega! Or racing! Or dubstep remixes of classic Sega Songs.

And that concludes my Holiday Special. Have a wonderful new year everyone! I'LL BE HERE FOREVER.

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