Sunday, July 24, 2011

Comic-Con Day 2

Well sorry I did not update last night. I lost track of time and fell asleep on my laptop. ANYWAY. Yesterday, I stood in line for two hours to get into the Futurama panel, TOTALLY WORTH IT. Then after that was the Simpsons panel which was OK. Then I was going to the Adventure Time panel. But the line was long, and after seeing how small the room was, there was no chance... So I went to the exphibiton hall for the rest of the day. Sadly, I did not find KC. Thus my journey will never end. But I did find some friends! And then I played Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3! And I did TERRIBLE! Then I played Dragon's Dogma which was super fun! The Griffin was tougher then the Chimera, but that's because they made me play as a Strider instead of a Warrior. So yeah! Yesterday was good!

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